Monday, May 7, 2012

Act I, scene iii

1.  Read Act I, scene iii.  You can use this link to help you with commentary:

2.  Then, watch the following clip of the scene:

3.  Answer the following question:

What is the Nurse's function in this scene?  What purpose does she serve in Romeo and Juliet?  Why?


  1. Samantha StruzzieriMay 7, 2012 at 5:00 PM

    The nurse's function in Romeo and Juliet is to be a guardian figure to Juliet. She has taken care of her since she was a baby and she is there to guide her as a teenager, as shown in this scene. Her mother goes to the nurse to find Juliet because the nurse spends more time with her and knows her better than her own mother.

  2. In Romeo and Juliet the nurse is there to take care of Juliet. The nurse has taken care of Juliet since she was first born and acts as a mother figure to her. In this scene the nurse is there to help Juliet because she knows Juliet better since she has raised her like one of her own since she was born.

  3. The nurse's purpose in Romeo and Juliet is to take care of Juliet. The Capulet family hired the nurse when Juliet was born, and she has been taking care of her ever since. In this scene, the nurse is helping Juliet because she knows her better because she has been basically "raising" her for everyday of her life.

  4. Juliet and her mother don't seem to have that strong of a bond as seen in the clip. When Juliet's mother comes to see her, you can see a change in Juliet's behavior as she acts more polite and proper. It is obvious that the nurse has become more of an actual "mother" to Juliet and thus giving a reason as to why she is not only important in this scene, but throughout the play. The nurse, though not the actual mother to Juliet, plays the role of the mother because she has basically raised Juliet from birth as a mother would. This gives the nurse the function of being her "mother" because she probably knows her very well when compared to most people. Juliet can go to the nurse when she needs advice and help from any problems that develop as the play continues as if she were a mother.

  5. The nurse is the one who is like a mother to Juliet, she had taken care of her since she was born to now as a teenager. The nurse has an importance in Romeo and Juliet, she is always there to help Juliet when she needs it. The nurse is practically her own mother, from rasing Juliet and treating Juliet like her own daughter.

  6. The nurse has always been there for Juliet since she was born. The nurse took care of Juliet instead of her mother and in a way she is more a mother to Juliet than lady Capulet is. This scene proves the fact that the nurse is closer to Juliet then her own mother because, Lady Capulet doesn't even know where her daughter is and goes to the nurse to find her. More so, the nurse is more encouraging to Juliet then her mother is with the situation about marrying Paris. The nurse is meant to show that children during this time period didn't have a strong relationship with their parents.

  7. In Romeo and Juliet, the nurse seems to have a better bond with Juliet than her mother. This is because the nurse has been raising her since she was born. The nurse is more like a mother figure to Juliet. In this scene, the nurse is there to assist Juliet in getting ready for the feast. Since the nurse knows Juliet better, Juliet feels more comfortable having her help her get ready.

  8. The nurses purpose in Romeo and Juliet is to take care of Juliet. She has taken care of her ever since she was born. In this scene she talks to Juliet and her mom about her getting married to Paris. She gives Juliet her opinion about marriage. The nurse plays the role of the "mother" to Juliet because she has always been in her life, and has always taken care of her.

  9. In layman's terms, the nurse is basically Juliet's mother. She has taken more care of Juliet than her own mother, so it makes sense to see this connection. The reason it works like this is because it was considered "peasant like" to actually care and nurture for your own child if you were of a high level of wealth, like Lady Capulet.

    Also in the clip @ 5:29

    lol...wut. Not sure if that was put in for comedy purposes or not but that made me fall out of my chair, grand I know. :P

  10. In this scene, Juliet, the nurse, and Juliet's mother, before they attend the feast, talk about the appropriate for Juliet to get married. Juliet is more comfortable with the nurse there because she has a better bond with her. Juliet seems to feel that she can be herself when she is with the nurse instead of her mother. The two of them seem to have a stronger relationship than Juliet and her mother. The nurse has been watching over and taking care of Juliet since she was born, which shows how the relationship between them has grown and become stronger than Juliet and her mother's bond.

  11. In Romeo and Juliet, the nurse has a better relationship between herself and Juliet than her mother does with her. The nurse has been raising her since she was born. Her purpose is to take care of Juliet and always help her. Lady Capulet doesn't take responsibility towards her daughter she leaves it in the hands of the nurse. The nurse is more of a mother figure to Juliet because she has always been there for her like real mothers should.

  12. In Act 1 Scene iii of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juilet, the nurse of Juilet has a huge impact on her life. During this scene Juilet's nurse makes some inappropriate sexual comments about Juilet, but all in good measure. The nurse tries to influence Juilet to get married.The nurses function is to show Juilet that she now is of the age to be married, and to influence her. She serves as the care taker to the Capulets. Also she has breast fed their daughter; now the nurse is almost like a part of the family. The family has known her for a long time, and trusts her. Lady Capulet was originally going to have the nurse talk to Juilet instead of her own mother because Lady Capulet feels the nurse is closer with Juiliet.

  13. In Romeo and Juliet in act1 scene 3 the nurse is used to give the audience information about Juliet's relationships. The nurse shows how weak the relationship between Juliet and her mother and how strong Juliet's relationship with the nurse is because the nurse has been taking care of Juliet since she was born. The nurse also is used to show Juliet's feelings about love and marrige because she brings up Paris and how Juliet feelings about marriage.

  14. In Romeo and Juliet, the nurse is supposed to act as a mother for Juliet. She was also there because it was "un-classy" for Lady Capulet to mother Juliet. It is the nurses job to take care of her from when she is born, to however long determined by the Capulets. Juliet looks at the nurse as more of a mother than Lady Capulet since she has been doing so for so long.

  15. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's nurse has a big impact on her life. The relationship between the nurse and Juliet seems to be a lot stronger than the relationship Juliet has with her mother. This is because during that time period the wealthy class would hire people like the nurse to take care of there children. During Act 1 scene III the nurse is trying to talk to Juliet about Paris, falling in love and getting married.

  16. Kimberly VianelloMay 7, 2012 at 8:06 PM

    In Romeo and Juliet the nurse takes care of Juliet and makes sure she is kept out of trouble. She is also there to encourage Juliet that she should begin to think about a potential future with Paris or just married. Juliet is with the nurse when her mother walks in and asks the nurse to leave but then realizes the nurse is like family and nothing has to be kept from her. The nurse severs more as the motherly figure and explains how she has raised Juliet and there for has a stronger and more meaningful bond.

  17. I feel that the nurses role in this scene is to act as almost a mediator between Juliet and er mother. I feel Lady Capulet keeps her there to add in extra input because Lady Capulet knows that the Nurse is almost a mother to Juliet so she would feel some of the same maternic emotions that Ladt Capulet is feeling.

  18. In Romeo and Juliet, the nurse's purpose is to be a mother figure for Juliet and to raise her as her own, kind of like a nanny. In this scene she shows her purpose and acts like a mother to Juliet. She tells her to marry Paris and has a greater effect on Juliet then Lady Capulet, her true mother

  19. The nurses role in Romeo and Juliet is to be like a mother for Juliet. She is watched over and protected by the nurse because her real mother really wasnt there for Juliet. The nurse is considered like family to Juliet and therefore they have possibly a stronger bond with each other than she does with her actual mother.
