Tuesday, April 17, 2012


1.      acquiesce (v)--to give in and agree peacefully; to comply PRONUNCIATION-- (AK WE ESS)
§         acquiescence (n)--a peaceful submission or surrender
2.      fervent (adj)--full of strong emotion; impassioned
§         fervently (adv)--to do something in a passionate way
§         fervor (n)--passion
3.      disposition (noun)--tendency/inclination
4.      tenacious (adj)--stubborn or persistent in clinging to one thing.
5.      trepidation (noun)--fear; worry
6.      temerity (noun)--unwise boldness; rash or reckless behavior
7.      uncanny (adj)--strange; mysterious; foreboding evil
8.      ominous (adj)--mysterious; dark; hinting at evil
9.      vehement (adj)—strongly opposed; passionate
§         vehemence (noun)— intensity or forcefulness of expression
§         vehemently (adv)—in an intense manner
10.  defiance (noun)—refusal to obey authority
§         defiant (adj)— boldly resistant or challenging
§         defiantly (adv)— rebelliously; in a rebellious manner
11.  insubordinate (adj)—rebellious; disobedient; defiant
§         insubordination (noun)—disobedience
§         insubordinately (adv)—disobediently
12.  inadvertently (adv)—not done on purpose; unintentionally; thoughtlessly; accidentally
§         inadvertent—unintentional; accidental; unplanned
13.  subjective—(adj.) slanted; biased; based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
§         The grading, assignments, and tasks in English class are subjective in nature.
§         If the main character is the narrator of a story, the narration will be subjective. 1st person narration—subjective, partial, biased, prejudiced
14.   objective—(adj.) unbiased; impartial; not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts
§         If the narrator of a story is an outsider with no personal investment in the plot, he/she would be considered OBJECTIVE.
15.  PERSON] Glutton (N)—a person that overindulges
§         Gluttonous (adj)—taking more than you need/more than necessary
§         [IDEA] Gluttony (n)—the quality of being overindulgent
16.  OMNI  SCIENT—all knowing
§         Can be used to discuss narration; can also be used to describe a character/god
17.  anomaly (n)—an outsider; someone that is by him/herself on an issue;  a loner; outcast  “AH-NOM-A-LEE”
§         Anomalous (adj)—having the characteristics of an outsider  “AH-NOM-AH-LUS”
18.  misanthrope (n)—a person who detests/avoids contact with humans
§         Misanthropic (adj)—detesting humans
19.  visionary (n)—a person with foresight and imagination
§         **VIS is a root word meaning “to see” or “sight”**
20.  dissension (n)—disagreement in opinion
21.  sentient (adj)—capable of having feelings
22.  divisive (adj)—troublesome; conflict ridden; tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people
23.  persecution (n)--the act of oppressing or harassing with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs
24.  impassive (adj)--devoid of emotion; revealing no emotion
25.  eradicate (v)--to destroy, get rid of; do away with completely
26.  incorrigible (adj)--impossible to correct or reform; very difficult to control
27.  rue—to regret exceedingly; feel remorse or sorrow
§         hrowen--made sorry, grieved
28.  surreptitious (adj)—secretive, deceptive
§         sub/sur  "from under" (hence, "secretly") LATIN                                           rapere "to snatch"
29. stringency —tight or constricted ; rigid , adhering firmly to accepted standards
  • stra/stri—stringere "to compress, contract, bind or draw tight"
  • SIMILAR: strain, strict
30.  disseminate (V)—to disperse or spread everywhere (knowledge or ideas) as if sowing seeds
31.   malice (N)—the desire to see another suffer; extreme ill will or spite 
32.   turbulence (n)—marked by roiling, turmoil, and unrest (THE TRIALS)

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